John Zapien runs for 9th District
LHP_Intern2020-08-30T02:26:33+00:00Article “John Zapien District #9 Candidate for City Council” Globeville city council election 1971
“Voting is Chicano Power”, 1970
LHP_Intern2020-08-30T02:26:32+00:00Article on why it is so important for Chicanos to vote, 09-01-1970
Re-elect Sam Sandos, City Councilman District #3, 1983
LHP_Intern2020-08-30T02:26:30+00:00Pamphlet from Sam Sandos campaign for city councilman, District #3, 1983
Council Seat Recall Election, 1975
LHP_Intern2020-08-30T02:26:29+00:00Article on a council recall election for District 9 (Globeville), against incumbent Eugene DiManna, and former La Raza Unida candidate Sal Carpio, 02-12-1975
“Vigil, MSC’s Carpio in District 9 Race” 1975
LHP_Intern2020-08-30T02:26:27+00:00Article on city council district 9 (Globeville) race, which has two Chicanos and an Italian-American running 05-14-1975
Picture of Rich Castro and Pat Schroeder
LHP_Intern2020-08-30T02:26:26+00:00State Representative Rich Castro and Congresswoman Pat Schroeder outside the Colorado State Capitol Building, 1980s
Rich Castro speaking on Gallo Wine Boycott
LHP_Intern2020-08-30T02:26:25+00:00Picture of State Senator Rich Castro speaking on the Gallo Wine Boycott, c. 1975
“La Raza Unida” 1976
LHP_Intern2020-08-30T02:26:23+00:00Article on La Raza Unida party and what it is doing to help Chicanos, mostly in Pueblo, but this is a larger movement, 05-03-1976
Picture of Hispanic politicians, 1985
LHP_Intern2020-08-30T02:26:22+00:00Photo of Hispanic politicians at Cinco de Mayo celebration in Denver: Ramona Martinez, Cecilia Garcia, Henry Cisneros, Debbie Ortega, and Polly Baca, May 1985
Good Americans Organization banquet in Denver, c. 1954
LHP_Intern2020-08-30T02:26:21+00:00Photo of Mexican Americans attending a meeting of the Good Americans Organization, c. 1954
Example of hate mail Chicano politician Richard Castro received
LHP_Intern2020-08-30T02:26:19+00:00CW: Language; example of racist hate mail Rich Castro received, c. 1970
Picture of Bernard Valdez, Colorado Welfare Department
LHP_Intern2020-08-30T02:26:18+00:00Picture of Bernard Valdez, employee at Colorado Welfare Department in Denver, 02-07-1965
Latino protests against West Side High School
LHP_Intern2020-09-09T21:52:34+00:00Actions taken by the Westside Action Ministry to protest racial issues at West Side High School, 03-01-1969
Corky for Mayor
LHP_Intern2020-08-30T02:24:20+00:00Rodolfo Corky Gonzales speaks during a Corky for Mayor event, Denver, 1967
Federico Peña mayoral campaign
LHP_Intern2020-08-30T02:24:13+00:00Denver mayoral candidate Federico Peña at a rally on the steps of the City and County building in Denver, 1983
Mayor Federico Peña being sworn in
LHP_Intern2020-08-30T02:24:12+00:00Denver’s first Hispanic mayor, Federico Peña, sworn in on the steps of the City and County Building, 1983