Students in Front of TB-1 1974
LHP_Intern2022-03-29T00:54:07+00:00Photo of students outside of Temporary building 1 (TB-1) during the 1974 building occupation at CU Boulder.
VP Corbridge letter to TB1 protesters
LHP_Intern2021-09-20T20:17:45+00:00VP Corbridge promises that there will be no charges filed against the individuals occupying TB1.
The Events of the TB-1 Occuption
LHP_Intern2021-06-02T04:57:34+00:001974 article written by Jess Vigil for El Diario. This article is a day to day account of the occupation. Students occupied TB-1 on May 13, 1974 in order to call for the resignation of UMAS-EOP administrators Joe Franco and Paul Acosta.