Footrace in Del Norte
LHP_Intern2020-01-18T17:12:39+00:00Race between an Anglo and a Hispanic runner in Del Norte: heavy betting and a large audience, including a special train with 150 people from Conejos area, 1904
Footrace in La Jara
LHP_Intern2020-01-18T17:12:45+00:00Race in La Jara between a New Mexican and a local runner, 1905
Santa Ana Fiesta, San Luis
LHP_Intern2020-01-18T17:12:49+00:00Cenaida Roybal Manzanares (right) and Francisca Manzanares Quintana, her sister in-law, near rides at the Fiesta, 1950
A carnival in San Luis
LHP_Intern2020-01-18T17:12:11+00:00Carlos Lopez looks up at ferris wheel at a carnival in San Luis, probaby the Santa Ana Fiesta, 1950
Dice game at a carnival
LHP_Intern2020-01-18T17:12:18+00:00Carlos Lopez (back row center) watches a dice game at a carnival in San Luis, 1950
A pancake race
LHP_Intern2020-01-18T17:12:23+00:00Women participants in the annual Alamosa Colorado pancake race, 1958. One woman, dressed as Aunt Jemima, is either African American or in blackface.
Ramon del Castillo, 2001
LHP_Intern2020-01-18T17:12:31+00:00Ramon Del Castillo, a professor of Chicano studies at Metropolitan State College of Denver and a well known Chicano poet, plays hand drums with an unidentified musician group at the Santa Anna Fiesta in San Luis (Costilla County)