Licona takes over as service chief at Salud Clinic (1992)
LHP_Intern2019-11-17T23:54:37+00:00Discusses Dr. Licona's credentials and his appointment as the Medical Services Director for Salud Clinic.
Discusses Dr. Licona's credentials and his appointment as the Medical Services Director for Salud Clinic.
Describes how doctors like Dr. Licona fought against heart disease in Latino-Americans. (p1)
Describes how doctors like Dr. Licona fought against heart disease in Latino-Americans. (p2)
Contains a picture of Dr. Licona and his credentials which led him to win the 1997 Bernie Valdez Award.
Explains more about Dr. Licona's work on migrant health through community clinics.
Dr. Licona explains how seniors will face a gap in Medicare coverage.
Dr. Licona explains the advantages and disadvantages of the new health care reform bill (the Affordable Care Act) in Congress.
Dr. Licona as a CHAP student in the newborn nursery.