Salt Creek Disputes 1960s-1990s-Pueblo

Salt Creek Residents Taking Precautions with Well Water, Oct., 1971


Residents say water from well and pump house near Palo Alto and Laguna is not fit to drink or use to bathe.  The well, completed in 1968, is deep, but underground seepage from Salt Creek is causing problems. Salt Creek is visibly polluted with oils and chemicals from CF&I Steel Corp.  A recent water analysis undertaken by a microbiologist revealed major hazards. The private tests on the water began after residents failed to get action from the Pueblo City-County Health Department, who repeatedly said the water was good.

Salt Creek Water System Dedicated, thanks to Union members, 1968


The perseverance of 5 members of United Steelworkers of America LU 2012, finally paid off with the dedication of a community water system in Salt Creek, funded by a federal grant.  Tests of 37 wells conducted by the City and County Health Dept. had shown only 4 wells with water safe to drink. The men, all employed by CF&I, are: Endy Garcia, Basic Oxygen Shop; Ray Barela, Wire Mill Drawing Room; Ted T. Lopez, Wire Mill Weigher; Stanley Gutierrez, Wire Mill Galvanizing; and Adrian Martinez, Operator, Hearth Department.

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